Here are a couple of photos from yesterday. It was a very good day for photos both indoor and out. I had great clients who made taking their photos very easy. I am still trying to push myself into a more "stylish", "Fashion Photography" kinda direction while still keeping a clean, nice portrait. These are a few that I thought worked really well.
This hasn't been the most colorful fall season, but we are still getting some great photos. I am guessing that by the end of next week, most of the color will be gone. I know I have several more outdoor sessions this week and next, so I hope to holds on.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
A very cool photograph.
I just wanted to make a quick post to show off this photo from yesterday. It came out great. Michael has really amazing bluegreen eyes that made every photo of him awesome, but this was my favorite. I hope he likes it.
Michael's choice of clothes showed a distinct "Style" and that is what made his photographs great. Everyone should use that information and choose clothes that emphasize your particular style. As a photographer, I can then see that style and create images that help convey that.
Anyway....great photo!
Michael's choice of clothes showed a distinct "Style" and that is what made his photographs great. Everyone should use that information and choose clothes that emphasize your particular style. As a photographer, I can then see that style and create images that help convey that.
Anyway....great photo!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Well, another great shoot with Holly. A little while back we did some modeling shots for Holly and they came out great, so I was really excited that she is now in need of Senior Portraits. Luckily...Holly is really open to experimentation and she really trusts me to create great images. Here are just a few. (not too sure about the quality of this video?)
My advice to everyone in need of senior photos is always the same. Choose really great outfits that really 'Ramp up" your personal style. Don't be afraid to take it to the extreme. If you have ideas....let us know so we can work with you to create great images. And last of us to give you really cool images. Remember....we gain nothing if you look bad. So we are ALWAYS out to give you fantastic images.
My advice to everyone in need of senior photos is always the same. Choose really great outfits that really 'Ramp up" your personal style. Don't be afraid to take it to the extreme. If you have ideas....let us know so we can work with you to create great images. And last of us to give you really cool images. Remember....we gain nothing if you look bad. So we are ALWAYS out to give you fantastic images.
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