Saturday, June 20, 2009

SUMMER THEME SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Okay....we are finally ready to do our first themed shoot of the year. We wanted to make a special "set" and theme that had a really nice summer feel to it. What says summer better than "the beach". There will be NO SITTING FEE for these themed shoots!!!! Just call and schedule your appointment
July 11, 1pm -3pm
July 12, 1pm - 4pm
July 13, 10am - 6pm
Take a look here at our sample of the summer theme! Bring your kids 6months - 5 years old in their swimsuit, shorts or any other summer clothes and we will take several poses of them on our beach themed background. (individuals or groups of 2 max.) We will upload the photos to our online proofing website where you can view them and place any orders at your convenience. CALL TODAY AS TIMES WILL BOOK UP VERY FAST!!!!!!!
If you have any questions...give us a call at 765-429-7145

Friday, June 19, 2009

Africa Pendants on

In my previous post I mentioned the Africa Pendants that I have been making. My wife put up a little shop on last night so they are available for sale there. . Just in case anyone wondered how to get them!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jewelry Photography and Africa...

Sometimes it is great to use those photography techniques that I haven't used since college. In my studio photography class (somewhere in the early 90's) one of our assignments was to photography jewelry, or at least, something very shiny. This can be tough because you have to use a "lighting tent" to keep from having a bunch of specular highlights. I of course don't use this technique in my daily photography since people aren't usually all that shiny. However, I recently had to remember all this stuff from 15 or so years ago.

For those who don't wife and I are adopting a baby from Ethiopia. Hopefully sometime in the next year we will be home with our little boy or girl. We are very excited and very impatient. In order to pass the time, I decided to make my wife and I a silver necklace in the shape of Africa to wear as a daily reminder. After I finished ours we had an outpouring of interest in purchasing them. So....I went to work and made a few more and we will see how they sell. Thus...why we needed a photo of a piece of jewelry. I don't think it came out too bad!
We are still trying to decide what to do with the profits from selling the necklaces. We would like to use them to support (at least in part) some African educational charity. Anyway, life leads us in circles sometimes and I had to go back to my past to remember how to do a photo that will affect our future.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Welcome To Ashley!

As I am sure you all expect, the summer season is a crazy time for a studio that specializes in Senior Portrait photography. It has been very busy around here, and I have neglected my blog. First and foremost, I want to introduce everyone to the newest member of the team here at Ailor Photography.... Ashley Blissitt.
Any of you who had your photo taken 4 or 5 years ago may remember Ashley as she worked for us while in High School. She recently graduated from University of South Florida with a degree in Business, and decided to return to the photography business with us. Ashley has always been a very good photographer, in her own right, so we decided to bring her back as our Children and Family portrait specialist. She is wonderful with kids and has a creative modern style that makes for great portraits. She has already helped us to start a milestone program for the first years of your childs life, and some new "Theme" shoots that we will be announcing very soon. (Our first is going to be a "summer, beach" themed shoot scheduled for sometime in July. Check back here in the next week or so to get exact information). We look forward to Ashley helping us out and giving us a boost of fresh, young energy. We hope to use that to keep us on the cutting edge of portrait style.