My wife and I decided to make a trip out to visit her family in Lancaster Pennsylvania over Memorial Day weekend since it is in the gap between senior seasons. It was a nice trip where I got to go trout fishing for a couple of days and even get to see my father-in-law fall in the creek. Fun for me....not so much for him. We also got to see our nephews Brandon, Andrew and Mason and spend some time having fun with them. I took the camera along to take some photos of the boys playing soccer and do a portrait session for them also. Here are a few of the best.
Here is Andrew on the "Pump-track"
And Little Mason on his scooter just before he flipped over the handlebars and crashed
Here is Brandon posing for his portrait.
And here is the best (and only) photo of all the boys...Mason just wasn't going to do what we
wanted him to do.
Here is Brandon posing for his portrait.
And here is the best (and only) photo of all the boys...Mason just wasn't going to do what we
wanted him to do.
In all we had a really good time even with the 11 hour drive each direction. It may take a few days for my back to recover, but that is okay. We have our photos of the boys and trout in the freezer!