Thursday, February 26, 2009

Big Windows equals great light!!

In the new studio, we have 4 HUGE windows in the front. They are mostly in the reception area of the studio, but I am constantly shooting in that area so I can use the amazing light I get there. Natural light and a couple of reflectors will give anyone eyes that are astounding.
I am still loving the new studio. Today I am finishing a little painting in the entry foyer and doing a little planning for some new and exciting background set ideas. I am in the mood lately for a little of the "retro-contemporary" look. Bold, exiting, fashion-style photography. I can't wait to get it all set up and have a few customers in to give it a try. We are already starting to gear up for the 2010 senior class and we want their photos to be better than ever. Keep your eyes here for all our upcoming cool stuff.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Sunday shoot !

For those who remember, we used to have a young lady who worked for us named Ashley. She left here to go to college in Florida for the last 4 years, but she will be back in May. She recently got engaged to a very nice guy named Josh and they came up this weekend to do a little wedding planning and have engagement photos taken. Here are a couple of favorites.

I am really looking forward to Ashley and Josh coming back to Indiana because Ashley is going to be coming back to work with us. Since our new studio is so large, we have room for her to begin building her own photography clients. She will be helping to set up some specialty "theme" shoots for children also. She will be another part of the puzzle that will make Ailor Photography the best studio in Indiana.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thanks for a great first week!!!!

First I would like to extend my many thanks to all my sittings during this first week at the new location. Your patience as I worked to remember where everything is was very helpful. We got some great photos this week.

The new studio works as well as I could ever have hoped. The space is large, but still warm and inviting. Everyone loved the large dressing room! The hardest part about the change was working with lights on stands. In my former studio, I had a track lighting system that kept the lights and cords up off the floor. The drawback about that system was that it was very limiting on how I could arrange my lighting. I decided that in the new studio I wanted all the versatility I could get so the lights went back on stands with cords to get twisted. It wasn't too bad really, I just had to "reset" after each sitting.
Anway, I had a great week and we are looking forward to many many great sittings in the future. Thank you again to all first customers and a special thank you to Jerry at Kdees coffee for supplying my opening weekend with the coffee to keep us going.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


YES! We did it!! We closed the old studio at our normal time on Saturday and re-opened at the new location at our regular time on Tuesday. Didn't miss a minute. The new studio rocks! I can't wait for you all to come in and see it. We are hoping to have an "Open House" sometime soon so that everyone can see the space.
Admittedly, I am exhausted, but the bulk of the work is done. The studio, Office, and Dressing room are ready to go! My office.....not so much. I am still waiting on the former tennant to move a few of his things so I can really get in there and work. My office isn't much of a priority really. I hope to have that done in the next week or so. Today we got our new reception area chairs. Very cool. They have that contemporary feel that we were going for in this studio space. I am very excited about making this studio a very warm and inviting place where everyone feels comfortable. I think that will come out in their photos. I also have the display photos up in the windows and the new sign out. We are definitely Open for business. Our promotion really worked and we are booked up solid on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and I can't wait to take the first photos in the new studio. LOOK FOR THEM HERE!!!!!!


Well on Saturday...the last day of Jauary I had to be out of my old studio and into the new. Thanks to the help of my cousin Brad and Friends Brian and Steve, and my assistant Dana, and my lovely wife Wendi, we managed to get everything moved. Of course, that was just "moved"
and not "put away". It was a ton of work, but we did get everything there and almost all of the background systems up and running. We even managed to build a wall and still be done in time. I get the feeling that the big work is ahead of me. Now I have to put everything away!!!!!!!